What is Pro Quo?
PRO QUO is a consulting firm which specializes in helping companies and local and foreign projects enter the Mexican market.
Unlike other consulting firms, PRO QUO provides comprehensive commercial strategies to companies and investors.
PRO QUO looks to increase the number of Mexican companies that are recipients of foreign investment and seeks to help increase their capabilities by using transversal instruments that aid in effective investment actions.
What do we do?
In order to broaden the scope of possible Mexican business opportunities for foreign companies, our service, consulting, legal advisory and research areas help support and guarantee a successful entry into the Mexican business market, covering diverse areas. Among them:
• Sustainable development, socio-territorial development and governance.
• Land tenure and usage, legal certainty and land ownership.
• Information Technologies, telecommunications and IT Security
• Investments and financial resources.
• Imports and Exports
• Production and commercialization.
• SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and ESCR (Economic, Social and Cultural Rights).
• Demographic analysis and prospecting, Mexican and international alliances, communication and image management.
PRO QUO’s diverse instruments help create strategies that are unique for each client, based on specialized knowledge of Mexican law and diagnosis of the existing economic and political context in each case.
How do we do it?
We create specialized processes for market entry, by using comprehensive advisories with a multidisciplinary team of experts. By doing this we bring together companies, governments, organizations and institutions in Mexico and around the world, handling technological, legal, development and investment issues.
Who are we and why us?
PRO QUO is made up by a multidisciplinary team of the highest academic level, having extensive experience and knowledge of legal and technical issues in several industries, with a solid and proven track record in different areas of both public and private sectors. Among the main ones: Energy, Infrastructure, Information Technologies, Automotive and Land Ownership.
Members of Pro Quo have earned degrees and certifications from prestigious universities in Mexico, the United States, and Europe, and have solid experience carrying out projects for Federal and State governments, decentralized agencies, international organizations, and for the private sector, in retail, telecommunications, banking and finance, chambers of commerce, and Mexican and transnational companies, among others.